CAL Office for Research & Innovation (CORI)

CORI’S mission is to support CAL faculty research and innovation goals and efforts

How can CORI help?  We can...

  • Provide info on internal funding opportunities
  • Help you look for $ for your research, travel, and writing
  • Provide you with examples of successful proposals
  • Help you draft a strategic plan/calendar for your research that also takes into account teaching and service responsibilitles
  • Identify potential internal and external funding opportunities for your research
  • Review proposals and provide feedback (please allow 5 working days for this process)
  • Connect you with previous grantees and/or potential research partners
  • Support your writing via virtual writing spaces
  • Refer you as needed to other SDSU research resources and make introductions
  • Help you set up your account and Pivot account

CORI Virtual Writing Group

Join us via Zoom on Friday mornings from 9am to 12pm as we support each other’s research and writing. Pajamas, pets, and bad hair welcome!  

CORI Resource Library

CORI's Resource Library contains a variety of helpful pdfs, sample proposals, slide decks, and templates.

Note--You must sign in using your SDSU login information to access the resources.


More resources

CORI Funding Opportunities Calendar

Need more info from CORI?