Student Success Center

We are here to help

CAL's Student Success Center offers a comprehensive range of services to support students in the College of Arts and Letters.

We endeavor to give each student as much individualized attention as possible. Since student issues often extend beyond the purview of this office, we maintain constant communication with all campus entities in order to provide students with the best possible assistance. The mission of this office is to enhance each student's college experience by providing assistance that will support the student's primary educational goal: attaining a degree.

Make an appointment via SDSU Navigate (EAB).

  • Deborah Gordon, Ed.D.
  • Briana Lee
  • Michelle Lenoue
  • Paola Martinez
  • Heather Saunders-Harbaugh
  • Christina Weinert

Email: [email protected]

For a complete list of academic advisers by major/program, please visit our advising page.

A major in Arts and Letters is a powerful academic foundation that provides students with the opportunity to develop skills that future employers’ value. These include: oral and written communication, interpersonal, teamwork, technical, analytical, critical thinking, organizational, and problem solving skills.

Arts & Letters majors may find employment in government, nonprofits, social services, educational institutions, and businesses, depending on their skills, experience, and interests. Internships or volunteer work may be a prerequisite to finding employment in some fields.

For more information about career choices for specific a major, please visit the SDSU Career Services page.

Internships are a great way to start your career and become more competitive in the job market. An internship can strengthen your résumé, help you to develop real-world skills, and build a network of professional and personal contacts. 

The College of Arts & Letters recognizes the importance of internships, while not all of our majors require an internship as part of their programs of study; we recommend an internship for all of our majors.

For more information, check with your adviser or visit Internship Central on the SDSU Career Services website. 

For information about International Internships, please visit the CAL International Programs page.

Contact Us

Arts and Letters, Room 172
(619) 594-6270
[email protected]
Instagram: @sdsu_calssc